Saturday, December 25, 2010

High Hard Closed Cervix But Had Period

THE ICE ODE you all the best wishes ..

What Is The Difference Betwwen Emu Stinger And

Simona Jovic LYON: COURSES ORGANIZED BY THE ICE ODE IZIS - February 12, 2011


AN EVENT NOT TO BE MISSED: THE PERFECT VENUE FOR LYON SIMONA JOVIC , dancer artist internationally known and recognized specialist Roma dances, dances of the East, traditional etc ... A rich and exciting. She will transmit his knowledge through courses organized by Cie Ode Izis Saturday, February 12, 2011, to enrich our knowledge of the Dances of the World (re) discover authentic styles.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Touring Versus High Performance Tire

Alexandrah Astroballe OF THE SHOW ASVEL

Evening organized by ASVEL - December 9, 2010

How Many Calories Does Noodles Have


SHOW EAST IN EVERY SENSE - with Cies Ode Izis and Shehrazad
December 2010 - Salle Paul Garcin - Lyon

Alexandrah, guest dancer Fanyda (Co. Shehrazad)

Co. Ode Izis (on Pictured from left to right: Delphine, Valerie, Alicia, Alexandrah)

Sunday, November 21, 2010

What To Wear To Brown Uni Interview


Advent Calendar "revisited" for my two little Alsatian. The basic idea was to change the nature of the schedule while keeping in mind that is a meeting each of the 24 days preceding Christmas Eve.

Given my geographical distance with my grandchildren, I had the idea of recording 24 stories onto a CD that I presented in a mini. Left in the cardboard sleeve, I made 24 cards on which I noticed on days 1 to 24 and the name of the story they were going to play every night.

And voila! It remains for me to give all the factor and to imagine my little wolf in their pajamas, comfortably every night, blanket in hand and thumb in his mouth to Tom, discovering a new story, which in progress made "up" waiting for the magic day!

The decorations are from the splendid collection Tilda Clip Art Sticker "Wintergarden"

Certificatecombat Action Badge

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wedding Anniversary Places To Go In Bangalore


An unusual form of kraft and memories of summer to slip ... Is not it My? Something tells me you're going to use you there fast enough?
It was realized from the crop of Annonay last July on the proposal Magali Beaulant.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Do You Do An Ollie On A Tech Deck




- with Alexandrah, technical and Choreography Baladi style - INTERMEDIATE level - Saturday, December 11 from 10am to 12pm

- with Sailyne, technique and choreography with the cane -
NOVICE - Saturday, December 18 from 10am to 12pm

Price: 20 euro (+3 euro membership for the season 2010/2011)

Information and reservations by mail

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Romantic English Dubbed Anime

Parade Fashion - Lyon in September 2010 - with the company Shawatza

Why My Unemployment Was Not Paid

Video Fashion Show (passage of Alexandrah) - with Shawatza Co. - Lyon in September 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pinnacle 150e/55e Win7


I am a daughter of Beatles. Fan anyway. And to celebrate the birthday of my beloved daddy, we went with family on the trail of 4 boys, in Liverpool. It does not sound very sexy weekend in Liverpool, yet it is a journey that I recommend. It is a city with architecture rather anarchic between remnants of an industrial city and modern buildings. It is at the seaside, there are docks, beautifully renovated, boats and pubs and in English tshirt by 15 degrees. (And for girls: TopShop, Primark, Miss Selfridges, Boots, Office ... all English teachers in a perimeter much smaller than in London!).

And it floats in the air of legendary songs, songs that stick you chills. I have the Beatles in the skin and be there in the streets of their childhood, made me nostalgic for an era I never knew. We stayed in a hotel on the docks, and my room happened to be just above the entrance to the Beatles museum, with pop songs released throughout the day, to be quite in the mood.

I was a little afraid of this museum, fear that this is a dark setting embellished with a few dusty relics of the Boys. And fortunately, I was wrong. We discover their childhood, their meeting, early At The Cavern, hysteria room, their genius and conquer the world. There are reconstructions of fun, like a street in Liverpool in the early '60s, the office of their first "manager" in an attic in the city, the record shop "Nems" where they bought their records or within the a plane for their first arrival in NY. We leave on "Imagine" with the regret of not having had this time.

the evening for the 60-year-old dad so we had dinner in one of the nicest pubs I've seen (and I've seen): The Philharmonic Dining Rooms on Hope St where the Beatles had their habits. For those who know little or no English, know that, contrary to received ideas, the English food is delicious, and often even in restaurants, much better than what you find here ...

After that, the cherry on the cake for daddy: the Cavern. The legendary club where we started and where English, if I remember correctly, they played almost 300 times. The street where the club is a little "street of thirst," but when you're in the city's best and most famous band in the world, we apologize good "exploitation." And we are here in this cellar, full of roast beef in beer, there is a concert of a group that will not mark his time but playing well at times and takes a "Love me do" or " Twist and Shout "and we let the nostalgia. You can even find it Livercool ...

The next day, good fans / tourists, we made the "Magical Mystery Tour." Bus. No, no, it's not a joke. English, French, Japanese or American, from 7 to 77 years for a trip to discover the youth of our idols: the houses of their childhood, Penny Lane and his barber, Strawberry Field ... I felt a real emotion to find myself in this bus with all these people to sing with them (yes!). It is a fan or you do not. But I never understand when they are the Beatles, they may not be.

Daddy at the house of his idol Paul.

house Ringo

Sentimental Journey ...

home of John and his Aunt Mimi